„What moves the soul, moves the body as well.”
Psychosomatic care is based on a comprehensive view of human health. Psychosomatics deals with the interrelations between body (soma), mind (psyche) and environmental influences. The goal of treatment is to restore balance. This approach is in harmony with health as it is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO): “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”
Medicine is closely interrelated with sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology – and all other fields touched by the fragility of our life and our fear of death. Holistic medicine, then, is a field of the future and, in our country, every attempt to achieve it is extremely valuable.
We will help you with all your health problems, whether physical or psychological. Some of them we can deal with directly:
We treat adults and children using alternative methods and homeopathy (MUDr. Helena Máslová, MUDr. Irena Leichtová), we provide conventional treatments in the scope of primary care for adults only (MUDr. Helena Máslová), psychotherapy for adults is provided by our psychologist for adults (PhDr. Jeroným Klimeš) while children are cared for by a child psychologist (PhDr. Marie Zápecová). Family counseling is led by PhDr. Eva Lábusová.
In addition, we are providing a new service – our employee can accompany your child to the hospital for tests or hospitalization if a parent is not available.
If you have more serious problems requiring a specialist or hospitalization, we’ll advise you on how to proceed: KDO VÁM POMŮŽE (WHO WILL HELP YOU) – www.kdovampomuze.cz